Monday, September 10, 2012

A Note On The Absence

Here's the deal: I feel so ashamed to post here. I don't have any self-control, and it makes me feel undeserving of all the attention and help that I get from this lovely blog.
God, it's so sad. I know that I'm a fat little monster, and I also know that, after this, I going to head downstairs and stuff my fat little face.
Ugh, go die in a hole, right? But that's not even the worst part. I know that I'll do it again and again until I'm so fat that I can't use regular people toilets anymore. Spoiler Alert: I really like regular people toilets. You guys, I need all the help I can get.
If you can, please comment on this. I need motivation, and that will be just the thing to stop me from gorging my stupid face.

1 comment:

  1. This might come a little late, but everyone feels that way. When you try to lose weight your body is doing the opposite, its craving more. Especially when you do some drastic changes, like restricting or fasting..your body thinks its starving and it goes crazy for food. But you'll get used to that, don't lose your hope and motivation...:)
