Monday, September 24, 2012

Clearing Some Misconceptions

Okay, I really feel like people are getting the wrong idea about my (semi)dysfunctional family.
My aunt isn't some crazy food Nazi who runs around and calls me fat, she's just super high strung and she doesn't really know how sensitive I am about certain thing.
My cousin? The two of us are actually really close, but when we fight, it really gets to me. That's why you always get bad vibes from what I post, it's normal for the two of us to be cool, but when we fight, it becomes an issue.
Changing the subject, I noticed the other day that I could see a rolls when I sat down. I was so mad! I was like, "What the f**k?"
I have absolutely no idea when that started happening. So I had to get rid of that super fast. No food so far, and I want to stay like that for at least the rest of the day. We all know how that ends though.
And sweet baby Jesus, there is the most gorgeous boy in my French class. He has the most adorable Spanish accent. He says something to me and I'm can't even focus.
Typical Conversation:
Him, "Do you have a pencil?"
It's so embarrassing. As usual, however, he doesn't even know I exist. But, mark my words, he will. Is it creepy? I don't care! He's too cute for me to care.
Anyways, I'm going to try to get to Friday without going over 1000. 3 more days, I got this (no I don't).
Crazy happy,

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I Knew It.

I knew that I was less important. I always knew it.
My cousin doesn't eat for 3/4 of a day? That's a concern.
I don't eat for almost 2 days, and when I do, I'm on the verge of tears? Not an issue.
Why do I always let myself do this? Why do I let myself think that I'm worth something. I didn't eat for all of yesterday, but then I cave and eat the burrito that my aunt gets me. Then I eat more at my cousin's insistence. When my aunt comes downstairs and sees she tells me that know she knows why the food is always gone.
I'm sorry.
Believe me when I say this: It won't happen again.

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Note On The Absence

Here's the deal: I feel so ashamed to post here. I don't have any self-control, and it makes me feel undeserving of all the attention and help that I get from this lovely blog.
God, it's so sad. I know that I'm a fat little monster, and I also know that, after this, I going to head downstairs and stuff my fat little face.
Ugh, go die in a hole, right? But that's not even the worst part. I know that I'll do it again and again until I'm so fat that I can't use regular people toilets anymore. Spoiler Alert: I really like regular people toilets. You guys, I need all the help I can get.
If you can, please comment on this. I need motivation, and that will be just the thing to stop me from gorging my stupid face.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Guess What...

I came out today. So, my family knows that I'm gay. I guess that I got super lucky in the family lottery. Everyone was super supportive, and junk.
I don't have anything to say besides that. I'm still a fat excuse for a person. I use up food like a small suburb uses speed bumps. I will stop eating.
That is all.