Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Okay, so first post. Here we go. I'm so ready to do this.
Nevermind, I'm so not ready for this. I have no idea what to say. I mean, what constitutes a good first post? I guess that I'll start with the stats because that seems to be the only thing that remains constant on these kind of blogs.
Height: 5'11/1.524
Weight: Now this is going to sound crazy, but I have no idea. I know what you're going to say, and yes, I do know that I am possibly the only person with a pro-ana (I don't think that's the right word for this) blog and no scale. Last I checked though, I was 160/72.5748. Gross. That is the weight of a sumo wrestler who had to leave the professional circuit due to obesity related health concerns.
BMI: 22.3.
Now, other than stats, I have nothing else for my introduction. Wait, I totally forgot: Goals!
I have 3 very important goals.
  1. 155/68.0389
  2. 145/65.7709
  3. 136/61.6886 (UGW!)
These all sound achievable, right?
Now that you all know the basics, I'm free to get on with my griping about calories. Today I went to the beach with my family, like I've done for the past 2 days.
It goes deeper than the water or sunshine (both of them awesome) and makes me feel good somewhere deep inside. About cellulite deep. It's so cool how you can go to the beach and spend all day running around and swimming and never feel like it's exercise. I had planned to eat nothing at all, but my cousin had a few peppers with her Mexican food. I remembered reading somewhere that peppers were good for the metabolism, so down the hatch it went. Something that I didn't exactly count on for some reason, was that peppers were made by Satan himself. I spent 5 minutes doing my best dragon impersonation before I caved and had a bite of carne asada fries to cool down the inferno in my mouth. That didn't work, so I shoved a chip in there.
I wasn't exactly sure of how many calories that was, so I rounded the whole thing up to about 70 for the day, including my three mints. I feel good right now.
In an effort to make my readers feel included, I've decided to include a little question in this post. Do you think that you round calories up or down? When in doubt, I always bring my calories up by a bit. Please, I really do want to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. I always round mine up. Partly I'm not always exact in my measurements or I'm in public and can't exactly look at the nutrition column. And the other part is that I hope that I learn my lesson for when I binge.
